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China Is Giving Out “Chinese Cards” for Malaysian Chinese


Chinese Card

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China is to implement “Chinese Card” for Chinese who were born overseas especially those from South East Asia.

South East Asia has the world largest overseas born Chinese population. This is going to draw millions of Chinese in South East Asia especially those from Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, India, Mauritius, Vietnam to migrate back to China.

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About 80 to 150 years ago, 1.5 million Hakka Chinese left Songkou River Town going to Shantou en-route to South East Asia.

Currently, China plans to build an Overseas Chinese Township between Meizhou City and Songkou. Meizhou City has the same population as Georgetown but the district of Meizhou is 4 times larger than Singapore, so there are plenty of spaces to be developed.

It is expected to attract over millions of overseas Chinese to migrate into this Overseas Chinese Town.

Private schools and a Malaysia/Singapore/Indonesia Food Street are part of the project in historical Songkou River Town. This Food Street is similar to the one on Sentosa Island of Singapore developed by Genting Berhad.

They anticipate Malaysian Chinese Developers to flock to that area and then develop the designated area later. There will be short winter, low crime rates, low murder rates, low road accidents, zero discrimination, lesser air pollution which will attract the Chinese race who are living overseas, particularly in South East Asia.

H/T: Facebook user, Michael

For the chinese version:

北京推“华裔卡” 海外华人可在华投资置业

【on.cc东网专讯】 中国国务院决定在北京中关村启动“华裔卡”试点,立即引来海外华人热议。中国一直不承认双重国籍,而“华裔卡”的出现可绕开这个难题,以解决海外华人在中国生活、工作所遇到的困难,今后海外华人能享有普通中国公民所享有的权益,如投资、置业、子女入学等。



不少海外华人大赞“华裔卡”的政策十分便利,更形容该政策为“真实承认双重国籍”,又指华裔卡的试点以及未来双重国籍的放开,有利于在全球化的今天,吸引海外华裔人才、资金、技术回到中国,并增强海外华人的凝聚力。 不过,更多海外华人还是希望当局能开放双重国籍。


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