A man in Indonesia recently went on a rampage and murdered his wife before dismembering her body parts.
According to reports, the suspect brutally dismembered her legs and hands, with her head still attached to the body. As if the murder was not gruesome enough, the suspect stored her body parts in containers and walked around the village to SELL THEM to the neighbours!

The frightened villagers told police that the suspect was still carrying his knife, believed to be the murder weapon, when he was “selling” the dismembered body parts of his wife.
One of the villagers said she didn’t notice the murder until the suspect appeared out of nowhere and shouted,
“Buy Yanti’s (victim’s name) meat! Buy Yanti’s meat!”

She then reported the matter to the police, and he was arrested after the police arrived. The police said the suspect was aggressive and resisted arrest.
Police also said that the suspect was suffering from depression and was working as a meat seller in the market. reported CNN Indonesia.
“The suspect is believed to have suffered from depression, but we’re still waiting for confirmation from the psychiatrist.”
Police also believed that the murder was carried out at the village in Dusun Sindangjaya, West Jawa.
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