With the tabling of Budget 2025, the issue of long queues and waiting times at government offices may see an improvement in the future. PMX announced that the government is committed to putting an end to the issue.

“Our commitment is to eliminate the need for long queues at government offices, to ensure that application processes are completed online, and for citizens to visit government offices only to collect approved or renewed documents, with appointment dates set online.”
Here are the other improvements that the government is set to implement:
- The Road Transport Department (JPJ) has started extending its operating hours by an additional hour at the counters.
- A UTC will be developed in Seberang Perai, Penang. All UTCs will also be equipped with a Queue Management System (QMS) so that citizens can obtain their queue numbers online before proceeding with their transactions.

The MADANI Touch Kiosk initiative will be implemented by gathering various government service kiosks and placing them in high-traffic areas, such as shopping malls, allowing citizens to interact with the government outside of office hours.
Stay tuned for more updates!