Over 1,000 anime episodes, more than 100 manga volumes, and 15 movies (so far!). Can you believe that One Piece has been pampering Malaysian fans with...
Breast Cancer Awareness Month is arguably one of the most important months in Malaysia. After all, breast cancer is THE most common disease amongst Malaysian women,...
We’ve all been there: washing our hair and then suddenly coming across a tiny bump on our heads, or experiencing an itch so maddening that you...
Music fans, this is your chance to enjoy a unique cross-genre music experience! Regardless of your music taste, you will definitely love Heineken®’s ‘Refresh Your Music,...
Injectable treatments are not something new but they’ve definitely been gaining more popularity recently. It is generally known to be a treatment that can help you...
After the many concerts and festivals held in Peninsular Malaysia, it’s high time for East Malaysia to take centre stage with this upcoming international music and...
Have you ever gone shopping just to cheer yourself up? While many think that retail therapy is wasteful, there are actually science-proven psychological benefits to shopping....
McDonald’s beef burgers have always been an iconic part of their menu, especially the crowd’s all-time favourite Big Mac. Now, McDonald’s just announced that they will...
As more employees are allowed to work remotely, Malaysians have been enjoying a host of advantages of working from home! That being said, working from home...
By now, most of us would have heard about the launch of 5G technology in Malaysia. It has been widely discussed among Malaysians and extensively covered...
From flushing the toilet to bagging recyclables, there are many seemingly benign habits that can actually cause environmental harm. Wanna be more environmentally conscious? Keep reading...
From empowering women to be their own girlbosses to helping unemployed Malaysians in the job market, Budget 2022 had the biggest package so far with RM332.1...
What would you do if you won the lottery and became a multi-millionaire overnight? The same question was directed to some real-life lottery winners in Malaysia...
Good Vibes Weekender (GVW) took place this 23rd and 24th September, marking the long-awaited return of Malaysia’s number one music festival brand, Good Vibes! Featuring local...
For some of us, the thought of marrying our partner or even having kids right now is like a horror movie! Whether it’s our mental health...
Smokers are often deemed aggressive, selfish, and weak-minded. Like any other stereotype, these social stigmas against smokers threaten mental health and can do more harm than...