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Crocodile Spotted Hanging Out at M’sian Neighbourhood Before it Escaped Into Longkang


My Post 1 2024 06 20T144837.546
Source: 燕子 | XiaoHongShu

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Every once in a while, wild animals end up at our door step in Malaysia due to our close proximity and interference to their habitats.

Most of the time, the animals that end up wandering our housing areas aren’t exactly dangerous (unless provoked!) such as tapirs and elephants. And then, of course, there are the tigers, black panthers and crocodiles!

Netizen, 燕子, took to their XiaoHongShu account to showcase a crocodile outside of a house at a housing area somewhere in Malaysia!

Crocodile 2

They wrote, “So scary! Why is it there?”


Maybe it’s just wants to hang out?

In the video, the crocodile can be seen outside of a house at night, while a dog inside of the house’s compound observed and barked at it.

Crocodile 3

Upon noticing the presence of someone recording it, the crocodile quickly escaped into the longkang (drain) right outside of the house.

Crocodile 4


While it is unsure as to where exactly in Malaysia this is, the general public is urged to be careful of their surroundings as you’ll never know what’s lurking in the longkang.

You can check out the video here

What would you do if you discovered a crocodile outside of your house? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.


Also read: M’sian Couple Keeps a Zoo With Crocodiles & More in Their Home, Netizens Raise Multiple Concerns

My Post 1 2023 07 06T150021.095

Source: 燕子
Source: 燕子
Source: 燕子

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