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Study: M’sia is the Most Affordable Country in the World for Michelin-Starred Dining, Beating SG & More!


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Source: Spin Genie & 123RF

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Holding a Michelin star is rare and a huge honour for any restaurant. Getting even one star is a big deal, showing the restaurant’s dedication to quality, creativity, and top-notch service, which explains why dining there might break the bank.

Believe it or not, according to a survey by Spin Genie, Malaysia has been recognised as one of the most affordable countries for Michelin-starred dining, beating out countries like Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, and more!

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Malaysia takes the lead!

Malaysia offers some of the best value Michelin-star restaurants worldwide, scoring 7.5/10, making it the most affordable compared to all other countries.

The study reveals that Kuala Lumpur has the most Michelin establishments, with George Town, Penang, close behind.

Using Beta KL as a prime example, one of the Michelin-starred restaurants in Kuala Lumpur, for its blend of traditional and contemporary European cuisines, provides an exciting opportunity to experience Malaysia’s rich culinary heritage.

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Top 10 most affordable countries of Michelin-starred dining

Singapore takes the 2nd spot with a rating of 7.85, making it one of the cheaper places for Michelin-starred dining. It also ranks in the top 5 countries with the most Michelin-starred restaurants per 100,000 people.

Hong Kong closely follows in 3rd place with a score of 7.87, no longer holding the title of the cheapest country for fine dining. Despite this, it remains a must-go destination with 88 different and affordable Michelin-starred restaurants to explore.

Out of the top 10 countries, the Netherlands has taken the 10th spot, making it the most expensive among them with a score of 8.73.

Overall, the study also examined the most affordable and most expensive countries for Michelin-starred dining, as well as the most popular Michelin-starred restaurants.

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While Malaysia holds the title for the most affordable Michelin-starred dining, do you find it affordable? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!


Also read: Study: Malaysia Has World’s Cheapest International Schools Fees, Median Fee as Low as RM12.4k/Year

Feat Image Cheapest Fee

Source: 123RF
Source: 123RF
Source: SpinGenie

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