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M’sian Couple Celebrate Their Indian and Kayan Roots in Beautiful Cross Cultural Wedding Ceremony


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Source: @andrewkoestudio | Instagram & @aaronnavit | TikTok

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Malaysia has always been known for its multicultural society and it’s citizens have long embraced cultural diversity. One such example is the heartwarming cross-cultural marriage of Vinesh and Yushanthini Nair, who recently tied the knot in a beautiful ceremony that blended their Indian and Kayan roots.

A TikTok video of their wedding held in a temple hall in Butterworth on 17th March was posted by the bride’s friend, (@aaronnavit) and went viral with 16.2k likes and 214.3k views.

Yushanthini, a Malayalee Indian, and Vinesh, an Indian Kayan (mother is Kayan and father is Indian), met each other 8 years ago while studying at University Malaya.

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The 27 year old couple also came from the same residential college, Kolej Kediaman Kinabalu and decided to get married officially this year after their families met each other and blessed the relationship.

The wedding ceremony was a beautiful representation of their diverse cultural backgrounds, with Indian classical instruments and Sarawak traditional music instruments like Sape, being played during the wedding.

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Moreover, the couple’s families were actively involved in the wedding, and both cultural traditions were incorporated seamlessly into the ceremony. For instance, when the groom walked in, aunties and cousins performed a traditional dance, the Ngajat.

Vinesh and Yushanthini’s families are thrilled about their cross-cultural marriage and have wholeheartedly embraced their union.

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The happy couple also had a Parap Kayan recital to bless the marriage after their traditional Hindu wedding.

Speaking to WORLD OF BUZZ, Yushanthini said that she and Vinesh are glad that glad that many netizens are happy to witness cross cultural marriage.

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Furthermore, Yushanthini says she feels blessed to be married into Kayan culture, as the people are so warm and welcoming. “We can learn each other’s cultural differences”, she goes on to say.

“Not only I get to experience a brand new culture, but my family and friends are also invested to learn the new culture that I am part of with my spouse.”

The couple is planning to have another wedding ceremony later this year in a longhouse in Sarawak (Sungai Asap), where Vinesh’s family resides and Yushanthini says she’s super excited for it.

Watch the TikTok video of their wedding ceremony below!


“Marriage is beautiful and meaningful when you respect each other’s values, cultures and differences”, said Yushanthini wisely. 

Their unique story serves as a reminder that love knows no borders and that cultural diversity should be celebrated and embraced to keep all ancestral traditions alive.

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To the happy couple, we are thrilled to witness your love story and wish you a lifetime of joy, laughter, and unforgettable memories as you navigate through your new life together!


Also Read: M’sian Interracial Newlyweds Adopt Each Other’s Customs During Wedding Ceremonies

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