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5yo M’sian Girl Dies After Her Mother Accidentally Left Her Inside Car at Hospital Shah Alam Parking


Feat Image Dead Parking Lot
Source: Shutterstock & The Star

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A 5-year-old girl was found dead inside a car in the parking lot of Hospital Shah Alam in the Selangor capital yesterday (31 January) after being accidentally left there by her 34-year-old mother.

As shared by @redzuanNewsMPB on X, the Shah Alam District Police Chief ACP Mohd Iqbal Ibrahim was quoted as saying that the mother works at Hospital Shah Alam and accidentally left the deceased inside a Perodua Axia after picking her up from a nursery.


Furthermore, initial investigations reveal that the mother had picked up the 5-year-old girl at a nursery near Hospital Shah Alam at about 2pm before returning to work. The victim was asleep when she was left inside the car while the engine was turned off.

The mother only realised that she had left her daughter inside the car after being contacted by her husband at 6pm.

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Afterwards, the victim was taken to Hospital Shah Alam Emergency Department in an unconscious state and was pronounced dead after efforts to revive her failed.

The case is now being investigated under Section 31(1)(a) of the Child Act. Those convicted under this Act may face up to 20 years in jail or a fine of up to RM50,000 or both.

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Shah alam district police chief acp mohd iqbal ibrahim

So, what do you guys think of the incident? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.


Also read: Mother of 2yo Girl Who Died After Being Left in Car Pleads Not Guilty to Charge of Negligence

Mother Left Toddler In Car

Source: Facebook

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