Laziness. Some people see it as a problem, but I see it as a lifestyle. I know I’m not the only one who thinks that way.
I really could go on writing an introduction but do i really have to? Besides, I’m sure ya’ll are too lazy to read it anyway. So let’s get it going!
Here’s the 13 things only lazy Malaysians will understand.
1. You REALLY wanna do work, but..
2. You feel like stabbing fake lazy people who claims they never had any work done
But they probably are already half way through or finished. They just don’t understand how it’s really like being lazy.
3. Deadlines are the best motivators
No matter how lazy we are, you’d be surprise how fast we work when a deadline is approaching. Cramming 5,000 words in two days? No problem!
4. Sometimes you just really wish you had tons of money.
So you don’t have to put more effort into your work or studies, or walking for that matter.
5. Your couch is your second bed and you respect them for it.
6. Making Beds
Speaking of bed, we would never understand the concept of making beds. I mean what’s the point? We’re going to mess it up by the end of the day anyway.
Just thinking about it would give us headaches.
7. You cannot see your bedroom floor
Yeah you know what I’m talking about. The world’s your laundry basket.. or your bedroom for that matter.
8. When someone asks you to do something
You know this is what you REALLY feel inside.
9. The only exercise we ever do is when we walk to our cars.
And even that is exhausting.
10. When friends ask you out for outdoor activities..
11. You believe you’re half vampire
Because waking up in the morning is near impossible.
12. You have at least 3 different alarms
For you know, when you decide to sleep an extra 5 minutes longer and decide to snooze all of them instead.
13. Ultimately, we are proud of it and are not ashamed to admit it