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PM Anwar Wants Singapore to Send Its Teachers to Teach English in Malaysia


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Source: Lawrence Wong | Facebook & Kosmo

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Just about a month ago, Lee Hsien Loong resigned as Prime Minister of Singapore and Lawrence Wong, who was Deputy Prime Minister at the time, was appointed to take over the role. Yesterday (June 12), Lawrence Wong departed Malaysia after a 2-day working visit with Malaysian Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

During their talks, they had apparently discussed the possibility of Singapore sending teachers to Malaysia.

According to a report by Sinar Harian, Malaysia is hoping to bring in teachers from Singapore to teach English and other subjects across several places in our country.

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Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim shared that the matter was brought up in a four-point meeting with his Singaporean counterpart, Lawrence Wong at Seri Perdana.

“We did discuss the possibility of Singapore considering my request to send teachers to teach English or other subjects to some areas in the country. Let young graduates make their choices (on which subjects to teach) if possible,” he said.


Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim added that he is happy that the Prime Minister of Singapore expressed his willingness to consider his request to improve the mastery of English and other subjects in our country.

“This matter is not something that we have arranged in advance through the officers involved. We are just trying to prove that sometimes the Prime Minister can make certain decisions before informing the relevant Ministers,” he explained.

What do you think about this? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.


Also read: Non-Chinese Parents Urged to Transfer Kids Out of Chinese Schools if They Can’t Master Mandarin

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