If you have borrowed money from someone, regardless of the amount and who they are, be sure to return it as soon as you can. If you’re seeking help from loan sharks, you know the consequences of running away from your debt.
As a loan shark, intimidation and tactics come into play when the borrower cannot pay their debt in time, but what happens when the intimidation is directed at the wrong target? In the Facebook group Batu Pahat, a group of loan sharks took the opportunity to apologize to an unnamed family publicly after targeting the wrong house by splashing red paint.
The apology came after the loan sharks splashed red paint at the wrong house, causing a part of the garage area to look like a crime scene. The worst thing is, the loan sharks splashed red paint at the wrong house twice.
“We noticed we’ve targeted the wrong house twice, which caused the family to live a life in fear.”
According to the post, the wrongly-targeted family has taken things to social media and informed the public about the matter after the initial “attack”, but the loan sharks only realised their mistake recently.
“If this happens to my family, I wouldn’t be happy too. We were too impulsive, and we made a mistake.”
It’s gracious of the loan sharks to humbly and publicly apologise for their blunder but that’s not all. For all the damages caused to the house, the loan sharks were happy to compensate.
“We will compensate for the damages and we will personally apologise to the family.”
One of the best traits you can have is to be able to apologise when you’re at fault, and no one certainly expected that from a group of loan sharks who are usually associated with intimidation and violence.
Regardless, kudos to the group of men for their bravery in admitting their mistakes, and hopefully, the wrongly-targeted family can now live in peace.