Ahh, Malaysia. If only I had a Ringgit for every time something odd happens on Malaysian roads, I’d probably never have to work here again. Just kidding boss, please don’t fire me.
And sometimes, odd accidents come with a side of scamming and really bad acting.
For instance, the We are Malaysians Facebook page took to their timeline to showcase an accident that just doesn’t add up. Everything started when a motorbike rider turned into a road from a junction and weirdly swerved into a car before somewhat slowly falling to the ground.
We are Malaysians wrote, “Faked accident in Boleh-land. Looking to earn a living. Malaysia seems to be having a lot of faked accident events in recent days.”
Most of the time, scammers on the road fake accidents in order to extort money out of innocent road users. Here’s how the accident went.
Firstly, the motorcyclist turned from a junction and forgot how to ride a motorbike, hence he very oddly swerved and lightly hit a car. He then slowly fell to the ground, pretended that his leg was injured and sat on the road.
It’s considerably obvious that he was faking his injury as the fall he had was minor, and even if the accident was real, it would be the motorcyclist’s fault as he was not even looking out for cars when he made such a big swerve.
The poor driver of the car was a lady who was holding a sleeping child in her arms when she had gotten down from the car to check on the rider.
We genuinely hope that the person who has possession of this dashboard camera footage assists the lady before she possibly gives in to whatever amount that the scammer is extorting out of her and who knows, maybe the authorities will also take action against the motorcyclist, for being a scammer and for endangering others on the road.
We are Malaysians’ posting has since garnered over 181 shares.
Have you ever encountered scammers like this on the road? Tell us know in the comments section!
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