Our time in college is often when we have the most memorable times of our lives as we are on the brink of adulthood but free from its responsibilities. Most of us also take this opportunity to get away from our parents but not this young lady from China.

Source: Miaopai

Source: Miaopai
In fact, she is glad that her father can be by her side throughout her tertiary education because she needs to take care of him. According to Shanghaiist, 20-year-old Chen Chunlin who is currently a freshman at Huazhong Normal University in Wuhan, is grateful that she can bring her father along to her university.
That’s because her father had experienced a cerebral infraction five years ago. Her mother had passed away when Chen was just nine years old and her father suffered from the infraction when she was 15 years old. This has left him impaired in terms of mobility, so Chen has been taking care of her father for the past five years by cooking, bathing and spending time with him. What a good daughter!

Source: Miaopai

Source: Miaopai

Source: Miaopai
However, amidst all these daughterly duties, the filial girl still has time for her studies and managed to get good results in her exams. Thankfully, the university understood her situation and offered her a free one-bedroom dormitory for both of them so that Chen can continue taking care of her father with ease. So kind of them!
Chen says, “Home is where my father is,” when asked about her situation. Her father is very thankful to the friends and strangers who have helped them over the years and says, “I hope that when my daughter is grown up, she can be a teacher so that she can repay the kindness we have received to the society.”
When asked, Chen says being a teacher is a good choice and she would love to be one too.
Source: Miaopai
Good luck in your studies and future endeavours, Chen Chunling!
Also read: Abandoned Girl Turns Away Biological Parents to Care for Paralysed Adoptive Father Alone