Especially considering stray dogs are only in the position they’re in because of irresponsible owners who do not neuter their pets, these strays are often treated like nuisances that are put down.
In an effort to stop local councils from killing strays and to urge them to adopt more humane measures in dealing with stray dogs, this Malaysian needs your signature! And no, we don’t mean for an online petition.

Joseff Hoo 韩协峰 took to his Facebook page to call for Malaysians to print out a petition form and physically sign it, so that he can collect 10,000 signatures to get local councils to implement TNRM (Trap, Neuter, Release/Rehome, Manage) measures.

He wrote, “Today’s adoption drive, in addition to bringing my 7 furkids here to wait for someone to come and adopt them, I also let the public who wanted to urge local councils that they should stop the killing (of strays) and replace it with TNRM to sign the physical petition (because online signing is invalid).”
“We need to collect 10,000 signatures by May before we can talk to local councils. I hope the public and NGOs can support.”

The deadline to collect these signatures is 15 May 2022.
If you are interested in joining this cause, here’s what you can do:
Click on this link, print out the form and fill it up. The form allows for 10 people to sign it, so don’t forget to share it with your friends and family members!

You can then contact Joseff’s number stated in the petition form, and he’ll meet you to pick up the petition.
For those of you staying in Subang, you can also visit Klinik Veterinar Mayo in Taipan, USJ, to sign the petition.
“The future and fate of stray furkids are depended on you, me, them and from this first step,” he added.
These little furry friends want nothing but to be accepted and loved by the community, the least we can do is to give them a chance to live.
Will you join in Joseff’s fight for a more humane method of dealing with strays? Share your thoughts in the comment section.
Also read: This M’sian’s Bond With The Stray Doggies Down At Kedah Airport Will Make You Melt!