She’s earning FIVE times the amount of an average PA AND she’s travelling the world for free? We can only dream of living this kind of life!

Source: LAD Bible
Eight months ago, 26-year-old Aussie millionaire, Matthew Lepre, went viral after putting out a job vacancy for the coolest personal assistant job in the world. Not only was his chosen assistant entitled to travel the world for free alongside an e-commerce millionaire mastermind, they would also be given a BASE RATE salary of $52,000 (RM211,116) a year! (If you have experience, you’d reportedly earn more than that).
If you haven’t read that article yet, you can check it out here!
“Travelling while I work has allowed me to live my ideal life, and I want to give someone the opportunity to do the same alongside me.”

Source: Daily Mail
Well, eight months and 60,000 job applicants later, it seems like Lepre finally has found his ideal PA. On 28th October, LADBible announced that 27-year-old Tyanna De Assis landed the dream job!
Despite titling her application, ‘Most entertaining PA you will ever have”, the 27-year-old still admitted that she was stunned to receive the news that she had been picked.
“It’s crazy, even my family and friends wonder how I got it – but they said it’s perfect for me.”
Sydney Instagram model and influencer, Tyanna, was described as the perfect fit for the rewarding role as she checked off all the boxes.
Some of the requirements Lepre detailed in his job ad were:
- Above 18 years old
- Can arrange travel itineraries
- Strong knowledge of social media channels
- Able to handle business admin tasks
- Computer-literate
- Have great management skills
“I’m used to travelling and working from different locations and different time zones”, said the 27-year-old.
“I applied because it was already what I was doing – office and PA roles, social media content strategies. The role was perfect because I could travel, which I do a lot of anyway and have the best of both worlds.”

Source: Daily Mail
Tyanna will join inspirational e-commerce revolutionary, Matthew Lepre, who started from the bottom, being raised by a single mother while living off food donations from the Salvation Army.
He then dropped out of a dentistry degree to start the business eCommerce Warrior Academy and rose to success, now making an average of $120,000 (RM487,257) a month.
“Tyanna will be travelling the world with my team and I, as we educate people that there is a better way than just working the 9-5 lifestyle.”
Congrats, Tyanna! What do you guys think about this?
Also read: This 26yo Millionaire is Looking for a PA to Travel the World with Him for RM210,000