A video of parents grieving over their deceased young daughter went viral in Indonesia recently due to the rather unique way they mourn their late daughter...
Accidents happen from time to time, even at the most unexpected time and places. This time, we’re talking about an unfortunate incident that took place at...
And just when we thought Japan couldn’t get any more interesting, they come out with yet another innovative invention that, quite frankly, blows our minds! As...
Those celebrating Qing Ming Festival, also known as All Souls Day, have been urged to postpone their celebrations and pray for their ancestors from home to...
A Facebook user by the name of Fadhil Raihan shared how his cat called Rambo, became depressed and sick after his father passed away but immediately...
Recent news has put former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak in a bad light, especially after he was arrested a few weeks ago. Malaysians...