As we dive into the excitement of Raya preparations, a short film named “Who is Siti?” is making waves across the internet. Fellow netizens have been...
Growing up in a broken home can be tough, especially when you’re thrown into that situation at a young age. Those who’ve experienced it know firsthand...
It’s the season for ONG once again! Though we’re all a little more wary this Chinese New Year (thanks, world economy), we refuse to let that...
It’s memang a huge hassle getting around the city or country on public transport, which is why most of us prefer having our own cars instead...
Most of us simply cannot afford to buy and drive around in a new car. While there are promotions that allow you to buy the basic...
In this day and age, with everyday items getting more and more expensive, many Malaysians are doing their best to save more and spend less. Some...