Spend within your means. A simple concept but can be the hardest to execute sometimes, depending on your financial literacy. A 26-year-old Malaysian youth, Mohamad recently...
In this day and age, people are choosing either to remain single well into their 30s or get married to their partners but remain childfree. Though, choosing...
Should you go Dutch on the 1st date, or should the guy settle the bill? A Malaysian woman recently shared her 1st date experience that didn’t...
Having a balanced power dynamic among couples is important in order to maintain a healthy married life. Unfortunately for a Malaysian man, the one-sidedness of his...
It is truly rare to find someone who will love you when you have nothing, as that means that they love you for who you are...
December is a month to remember not just for Christmas and the long, year-end break but also salary increment for all civil servants, as announced by...
Ladies, how much should a man make a month to date and marry you? Is there an ideal figure in your mind? Even if your answer...
Do we live only to work and pay bills? If we’re well equipped with financial literacy and earn a good figure every month, hopefully, that’s not...
An anonymous sharing by a Malaysian man caught netizens’ attention recently after he expressed his regret at buying a superbike worth over RM129,000 that gravely affected...
“Through thick and thin.” A vow that many can say, but not all can afford to keep the promise. A Malaysian man recently landed a new...
It’s everyone’s dream to make 5 figures (or more) a month, and a Malaysian man who makes around RM10K per month delegated parts of his money...
A credit card can be the best financial tool IF you use it correctly and pay your debts on time (and not just with the minimum...
Fellow employers, how do you define a successful employee? One who reaches KPI every month? Or those who never disobeyed you and always say yes? Malaysian...
Long gone are the days where having high academic certification means better job opportunities and placements in your field. Now, even Malaysians with a Master’s or...
As long as your job pays your bills and doesn’t harm anyone, does it really matter how society perceives the quality of some careers? A 26-year-old...
Please do not ever think that failing SPM guarantees you a second chance in the future as a public figure. Malaysian TikToker, Leona, who admitted that...