The growing concern of stray animals being exposed to the elements is a truly frightening yet material reality. Some go through their entire lives facing these...
During the festive season, we all try to find a way to make our gift-giving efforts more colourful and lively. But none seems to be better...
Cute, cuddly, and affectionate in the most adorable way, there’s nothing better than getting love from a tiny puppy! With their beady little eyes and soft...
With the current pandemic situation, students are forced into experiencing school through a screen. Recently, a post went viral after a mother shared screenshots of an...
Hah! How about that? The Millennial Romeo and Juliet. Romantic, adventurous and fun relationships are the stuff of every teenage girl’s dreams, but they need to...
Men don’t cry, but the ones in love actually do and this will applies to any generation – period. When videos like this pop up on...
Yes, there is no such faith or religion that stops us from being compassionate to all living beings. And that is what this Muslim Twitter user,...
When people say that one tends to lose themselves in love, the saying likely applies to hot-blooded, hormonal teenagers more than anyone else. One 17-year-old Malaysian...