A Johor eatery owner finds joy in feeding stray dogs that often “stroll” around her restaurant area. However, in doing so, she has received criticisms from...
A devastating fire broke out at the Chatuchak Pet Market in Bangkok early yesterday morning (June 11), which destroyed around 118 shops and killed more than...
Worship houses are one of the most sacred places, so respect is always a must, no matter the circumstances. A high school student, however, had the...
Sensitivities are always important, especially when it comes to respecting the dead and the feelings of the people whom they left behind. Just recently, a couple...
Malaysians have seen many, many times, how local VIP convoys stop ambulances to give way for them, and the people are in a position where they...
For all you boba-crazed M’sians out there, your bubble tea dreams just got even more legit. Just when you thought the boba fever has died down,...
So, last night the majority of the gamer community in Malaysia was in an uproar after it was discovered that Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) had...