As people get older, they often discover joy and fulfillment in things they might not have appreciated when they were younger. Ageing can be a great thing as it brings a new perspective that makes life more enjoyable!
Malaysia has once again found itself on the ranking list, this time for having the oldest population in Asia, as revealed by a study shared by @seasia.stats!

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Malaysia has a median age of 32 years
The data was collected from the 2024 estimates in the CIA World Factbook, focusing on median age. A high median age indicates an aging population.
According to data from Visual Capitalist, Malaysia is ranked as the 20th oldest population in Asia and the 5th oldest among Southeast Asian countries, with a median age of 32 years.
Thailand leads in Southeast Asia and ranks 6th in Asia with 42 years. Singapore follows closely behind, ranking 8th in Asia and 2nd in Southeast Asia, with a median age of 29 years.

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“Without policy support, this can lead to economic ramifications”
Visual Capitalist points out that a lower median age comes with its own issues. More children and adolescents can strain the education system, and if there aren’t enough jobs available, it could lead to more people being underemployed or unemployed.
However, having a younger median age can lead to a demographic bonus. This means that the workforce grows faster than the dependent population, which could help increase per capita income.

We’d like to think that our older population includes young people with “old souls.” But regardless, we can still value the wisdom and life experiences that come with age.