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“Poodah!” – PAS Shuts Down Rumors About Them Joining Unity Govt, Says It’ll Never Happen


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Source: Facebook | TV PAS & Focus Malaysia

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More than 1 year after the Unity Government was formed, Malaysians generally have mixed reactions towards what they have brought to the table so far. The government is formed with the coalition between Barisan Nasional (BN) and Pakatan Harapan (PH), and it looks like we’re going to have another party joining.

Word has it that the Islamic party PAS is in the talks to join the unity government. But is that really the truth?

Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, 1 of the leaders in PAS, shut down the rumors last night (June 22) by saying, “Poodah!” 

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“We were never in talks to join the government, and we will never,” Tuan Ibrahim said at an event in Penang last night.

He also said that there is no reason for the party to support UMNO, who, during the election campaigns, promised the people that they would not be supporting Anwar Ibrahim and DAP.

“They swore not to support Anwar and DAP. What happened after the election?”

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During the event, PAS also said that the party would never support Anwar and DAP – a promise they intend to keep.

“It’s a promise that we will keep until the next general election.”


With the next GE years away, a lot can happen in between. Do you foresee a day when PAS join forces with other parties to make a functional government in Malaysia?


Also read: MP: Current PAS Leaders Must Be Educated To Respect Other Races Like How The Late Nik Aziz Did

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