Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob announced yesterday (19 September) that the government will allocate over RM471.6 million to provide a Covid-19 Care Package (PPC) to Malaysian families in the B40 group.
This is to ensure that these individuals and their families stay free from Covid-19 infections.
The care package includes:
- Reusable face masks (four pieces per family)
- Covid-19 self-test kit (four kits per family)
- One oximeter
- One thermometer
- Usage guide leaflets and health information

For illustration purposes only
Ismail Sabri said in a statement that these efforts, among others, are aimed at easing the financial burden of B40 households and to aid them in cultivating new norms, thus helping to protect their families from Covid-19.
“The current PPC grant will start with the recipients of Bantuan Prihatin Rakyat (ACA) who already have families. These are among B40 households who are married with or without children; or a single mother or father with children,” he said.
“The initiative is expected to benefit approximately 3.6 million B40 families. In total, there are 8.4 million BPR recipients.”
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