In a scary chain of events, a female e-hailing driver found herself trapped in her car after driving off the road and into the lake near the...
Taking to TikTok, this e-hailing driver shared what it is like to pick up passengers who live at PPR flats in Kuala Lumpur. Labelling them as...
For those who don’t know, bonsai trees are pretty expensive because of the work put into each one to ensure that they are in the best...
Taking to TikTok, netizen @ozeyy_ shared how the kitchen area of this famous nasi lemak restaurant went ablaze when one of its gas tanks malfunctioned. The video shows people moving...
In a remarkable display of bravery and quick thinking, a petrol station attendant has been praised for his heroic actions in stopping a motorcycle that had...
Altercations, especially those involving alcohol, can quickly spiral out of control, leading to severe injuries and, in some cases, even death. In a shocking and violent...
Following the announcement of the planned return of the National Service Training Programme (PLKN), the Ministry of Defence (Mindef) has announced that it will conduct a...
If the world was focused on yesterday’s Paul vs. Tyson boxing match, another local bout took place near the KLIA check-in counter when this passenger was...
Police arrested a man yesterday for suspected road bullying at Km350.4 of the North-South Expressway (NSE) near Sungkai. According to district police chief Superintendent Mohd Naim...
Just yesterday (November 15), fourteen teenagers, including students, were among 61 individuals detained in a raid on an initiation ceremony for a gang in Salak South,...