The Malaysian Humanitarian Organization (MHO) recently embarked on a mission to rescue the job scam victims trapped in Laos. A team from China Press collaborated with MHO and stepped into the tiger’s den for the rescue mission.
In a video by MHO, it was announced that in just 3 days, 5 Malaysians have been rescued from the clutches of the job scam syndicate. However, their passports were still in the hands of the syndicate members, causing a temporary halt in their homecoming.
China Press also reported that the job scam victims were placed in a safe house.
MHO also claimed that there are no more Malaysian job scam victims at the hostel in Myanmar.
“We have not received any new reports of people being trapped in the hostel. We are now officially closing the book!”
Hell on earth
In another report by China Press, the team was also told about the inhumane treatment that the victims face if they cannot reach the work KPI.
Their organs would be sold to the black market for profit.
Illegal groups in different industrial parks in Myanmar, Cambodia, and Laos have different rules and methods, so if the victims want to head home, they can only act according to the instructions.
If they cannot pay the ransom in USD, they will be “trained” for the scamming jobs, and if they are still unable to perform, that’s when their labour will be deemed invaluable, and the “cutting work” comes into play where the victims’ organs will be sold at the black market.
However, no Malaysian victims has experienced such a fate. Regardless, the horror of being trapped and forced to do something you don’t want to is more than enough to make one’s life a living hell.
Also read: Job Scam Syndicates Applying New Tactics to Lure Victims, 7 M’sians Currently Trapped in Myanmar