Family is everything. They’re the only people who will still take care of you and love you unconditionally even when you’re old and grey. But what happens when they don’t have the means to do that anymore?

Source: Malay Mail
This is the question that plagues the minds of two senior citizen siblings in Ipoh, Perak, Ng Kok Onn, 79, and Ng Kwai Yee, 76, who have had to care for their 76-year-old brother after a bicycle accident left him paralysed two years ago.
Kok Onn has to make the journey all the way from his house at Bandar Seri Botani on motorcycle while Kwai Yee travels from Gunung View every alternate day to help shower and cook simple meals for their younger brother.
Because he is unable to carry out these daily tasks by himself, he’s under the full-time care of their youngest sibling, Lai Yee, 70. However, Lai Yee is a slow learner and the two live together in a barely functioning home. The house often faces leakage issues and ends up being flooded if it rains for more than an hour.

Source: Malay Mail
What’s worse is that they barely have enough money to continue funding their brother’s worsening physical condition, much less deal with housing issues.
The older siblings often worry about what would happen to their younger brother and sister if they were to pass away.
Kok Onn told Malay Mail that they are struggling to pay for his brother’s adult diapers and the RM30 fee that needs to be paid for hospital treatment every alternate day.
As you can see, the poor, old senior siblings are in a dire situation and are in need of any help they can get. It is not conducive, nor safe for them to stay in these existing living conditions.

Source: Malay Mail
Perak MCA Public Services and Complaints Bureau chief, Low Guo Nan, who is trying to help the family, says old folks’ homes are only open to taking in Lai Yee as she is still physically functional. He has been trying to appeal to these homes to take in her paralysed brother as well.
If anybody is willing or able to help this struggling family, please contact Low at 012-5321128.
Also read: This Family In Kelantan Is So Poor, Discarded Chicken Skin Is Their Favourite Dish