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“Clever marketing” – M’sian Picks Up Money & Wallet Left on the Road, Only to Realise They’re NOT Real


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Source: TikTok | _puanmarina_

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There are only 2 possible scenarios when someone finds money lying on the ground: they either pick it up and keep it, or they turn it in to the police so the owner can reclaim it later.

In a recent amusing video that’s been making the rounds online, @_puanmarina_ is seen having a moment upon finding a wallet filled with money lying on the roadside.

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Realistic-looking wallet

In the video, she picks up what looks like a wallet full of money. However, upon closer inspection, it turns out to be a realistic wallet-like pizza pamphlet.

Speaking to WORLD OF BUZZ, Marina jokingly mentioned how convincing the wallet looked. She even checked her surroundings before picking it up, fearing it might have been placed there as a prank.

“I hesitated to pick it up at first, but curiosity got the better of me. I can’t believe I got fooled by a pamphlet.”

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Finders keepers!

Marina explained how amused she was by the situation, recounting how she couldn’t help but laugh at the clever trick. She even found herself wondering how many other people had been similarly fooled by the realistic-looking wallet.

She jokingly expressed her disappointment upon realising it wasn’t real money, tossing it back onto the ground in disbelief. However, she did give props to the pizza eatery for their clever marketing idea.

“Thank goodness no one was around when I picked it up. If it had been real money, I could’ve used it to cover my lunch,” she joked.

This video has garnered 774.9K views and 32K likes as at time of writing!

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Netizens were equally amused by the situation, flooding the comment section with their reactions!

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“The person who came up with the idea must be laughing hysterically right now.”


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“Imagine someone filming you as you picked up the pamphlet.”


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“By the way she put the pamphlet back on the ground, it’s obvious she regretted picking it up in the first place.”


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“And just like that, the pizza eatery managed to fool all of us.”


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“Looks like she didn’t get any lunch that day.”


Now the eatery doesn’t need to worry about people tossing their pamphlets. Everyone will be picking them up off the ground to have a look for themselves!


Also read: M’sian Mobile Retail Shop Creates Booklet to Teach Elderly People How to Use Their Smartphone Apps Correctly

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