Malaysian astronaut, Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor recently took to his Facebook page to share ‘tips’ to his followers on how to convince a reluctant wife to have more children.
In his post, he writes, “I have always loved a big family and naturally I wanted more… but first I need to convince Dr Halina, after all it’s her body.”
He went on to list a number of things that he would do to try to convince his wife to have more children. The list included:
- I will take care of everything while you just
rest - You look beautiful as ever even with 6 kids
- Don’t you want to see more beautiful kids?
- They will take care of us when we grow old
- We won’t be lonely
- The chaos keeps you young
- It’s Sunnah to ramaikan Ummah
- Let’s go shopping and buy whatever you desire
- The more the merrier
- We grow old together till Jannah. Will love you till eternity no matter what your decision…
“Above are some tips to daddies who want to convince their reluctant wife on having more kids. Does mine work? I think so and I hope so,” he concluded.
Received mixed reactions
His post garnered plenty of attention and currently sits on over 5,800 likes. It has also been circulating on Twitter where users shared their thoughts on his comments.
A few netizens said that his tips would work on themselves. One user pointed out that as long as he can afford it, doesn’t abandon his wife to take care of his children and if he gives his children proper education then why not.
“I don’t mind having lots of kids if my husband can take care of everything A+++++++,” added the user.

However, some netizens called him out for appearing to push his wife who is reluctant to have more kids.
“If your wife does not want more children then a husband should respect that. Fullstop!”
One netizen called him vile for gaslighting his reluctant wife who’s already given birth to so many kids.

Another user said that his 4th and 5th points are a red flag. “Your children are not a form of an insurance for when you get old. They didn’t ask to be born just to have to repay you.”

What do you think of his tips? Let us know in the comments.
Also read: M’sian Astronaut is Disappointed & Says “Dream Wedding” Question in SPM is Irrelevant