It’s no secret that the life of a police officer isn’t easy. There’s danger lurking in every corner and they have to risk their lives to ensure the safety of others.
And then there are also situations like this.
The 我们是马来西亚人 We are Malaysians Facebook page recently shared a video of a traffic police officer having to run after a motorcyclist (after he had abandoned his motorcycle), as the man fled from him in the middle of traffic on a flyover.

At one point, the motorcyclist wanted to jump off the flyover to evade the officer, but upon seeing the height on one side, he changed his mind and ran to the other side to check if it was safe to jump.
The officer continued to run after him and as the motorcyclist realised he was too high up to safely jump down from the flyover, the video ends.

We genuinely hope that the traffic police officer managed to capture the motorcyclist, especially considering the hilarity he had to endure.
In fact, this situation was so funny that even the person behind the camera couldn’t help but laugh.
You can check out the video here:
What do you think about this situation? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.
Also read: WATCH: Motorcyclist Rides Through Toll Booth, Gets Chased Down by Car Driver To Pay Back Toll Fee