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Man Gets Scolded by Lorry Driver at M’sian R&R for Slowly Moving His Car After Blocking the Road


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Source: Kedah Kini | Facebook

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Malaysians are very used to parking by the side of the road but this can cause inconveniences, as this can sometimes block the way for other road users.

But, when you realise that you’ve blocked the way for someone else, the least you can do is quickly move your car, right?

The Kedah Kini Facebook page recently shared dashboard camera footage from a lorry, after it had entered a Rest and Relaxation (R&R) area and was blocked by 3 cars parked by the side of the narrow road. While the first 2 cars quickly moved out of the lorry’s way, the driver of the 3rd car stood idly by before slowly moving his car as he was scolded by the lorry driver.


Kedah Kini wrote, “He can even stand outside his car while putting his hands on his waist. Troubling other people.”

In the video, the first 2 cars quickly moved out of the way when the lorry driver started honking loudly, but the driver of the third car had to be scolded by the lorry driver for just standing by before he slowly started making his way to his car to move it.

Block 2

Block 3

“Oii, don’t you have a brain? This isn’t a parking space, don’t you know? People need to pass, go park somewhere else!”

What makes this worse is the fact that he parked on a zebra crossing at the R&R, which in turn also blocks the way for people to cross the road.

You can check out the video here.

What would you do if you were in the lorry driver’s shoes? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.


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Source: Kedah Kini
Source: Kedah Kini
Source: Kedah Kini

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