Calling all Star Wars fans out there! Still not over Star Wars: The Last Jedi? Rejoice, as our very own homegrown brand, Expedio Design has a new savvy device that will have fans scrambling to own one from a galaxy far, far away. Enter the LighterSaber!

Source: Kickstarter

Source: Kickstarter
Heavily inspired by the iconic Star Wars lightsaber, the LighterSaber is a small lightsaber replica that functions as a cigarette lighter. Made of premium zinc alloy, this customised lighter measures 12.1cm in height and 2.5 cm in diameter that fits perfectly in your palm!
It has a single-nozzle jet flame that even has that small protective barrier to cover the flame. Best part is, there’s even a built-in trademark lightsaber sound effect that launches each time you ignite it! How cool is that?
Check out the video below to see it in motion:
According to Esquire Philipines, the product engineers behind this upcoming iconic pop culture device took a total of three years to develop the prototype, mechanism and design. Such dedication!

Source: Kickstarter

Source: Kickstarter

Source: Kickstarter

Source: Kickstarter

Source: Kickstarter
“The toughest challenge we faced was trying to make the prototype look and feel like a LighterSaber,” Expedio Design said on Kickstarter. “It was not an easy feat, to create an iconic yet practical product that is not only well designed but is also extremely easy to use and fit for the masses.”
However, the LighterSaber is not available in the market, yet. Expedio Design has launched a campaign on Kickstarter called the LighterSaber project till February 8, 2018. As such, fans can do their part by pledging a certain amount of money (or none at all) to back this project. Plus, if you pledge at least SGD$65 (approx. RM194), you can get the LighterSaber at 55 per cent off! Expected delivery date is tentatively June 2018.
Psst… there are other rewards too depending on how much you pledge!
With its convenient size and powerful flame, it will definitely be a hit as it looks fairly practical overall. While the Jedi’s lightsaber is powered by kyber crystal, the LighterSaber fuels on lithium coin cell batteries to light up. Seriously, this is the perfect accessory to collect for fans of the saga! It’s lit AF!
Check out Expedio Design’s Facebook page here.

Source: 2cents
May the force be with the LighterSaber!
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