After the end of Attack on Titan, there are not many anime series that can live up to the terrific plotlines and wonderful animation. In our opinion, Jujutsu Kaisen, also affectionately known as JJK by their fans is definitely up to par.
Now, one of the most famous (daddiest) characters in the series is undoubtedly Nanami who, in the series, talked about visiting Kuantan, Malaysia in the latest episode.
Recently, the CEO of Animonsta Studios, Nizam Abd Razak has basically confirmed on X (formerly known as Twitter) that Nanami’s voice actor, Kenjiro Tsuda will be the voice for the villain, General Garakakus in the locally produced Mechamato movie.
This is a great deal as Kenjiro Tsuda is one of the most famous voice actors in the anime industry and has worked in many great animes such as Naruto, Chainsaw Man, Gintama, Inazuma Eleven, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Attack on Titan and many, many more, making his voice one of the most recognisable as well.
Many fans expressed their surprise and couldn’t contain their excitement after knowing the news.
“Will Malaysians get a chance to watch the Mechamato movie with the Japanese dub just like the series?”
“This is great! This is a popular and legendary voice actor in Japan. This will make the voice actor’s fans watch this Malaysian anime.”
Well, we can’t wait to watch the Japanese dub!
Also read: Kento Nanami from Jujutsu Kaisen ‘Retires’ in Kuantan, Malaysia, in Recent Episode