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“I have every right!” – M’sian Mother Requests RM200 from Her Son as Repayment for Giving Birth to Him


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Source: X | meinmokhtar & 123RF

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Mother’s Day is a time to celebrate and honor all mothers for their incredible contributions in raising their children. The sacrifices they’ve made to ensure our well-being and happiness leave us forever grateful.

In a recent confession shared by @meinmokhtar, an anonymous woman took the opportunity to recount a story that occurred on the day before Mother’s Day between her husband and his mom.

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“My mom is understanding, but his mom…”

In the post, the woman revealed that her husband’s parents had visited their house the day before Mother’s Day.

She shared that during her in-laws’ visit, her mother-in-law had made herself a little too comfortable by helping herself to food and drinks from the fridge and creating a mess, without bothering to clean up after herself.

She continued to explain that just before her in-laws were about to leave at 1 in the morning, her mother-in-law requested RM200 from her son (the woman’s husband).

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A token of gratitude for giving birth to him

The woman recounted how her mother-in-law had requested RM200 as a token of gratitude for giving birth to her husband. She claimed their success in affording a house and landing good jobs was all thanks to her prayers.

“My mother-in-law asked my husband for RM200, claiming it was the least he could do considering she gave birth to him. She even mentioned that her prayers were the reason my husband and I could afford a house and secure good jobs.”

The woman explained that neither she nor her husband were home when her in-laws arrived for their visit. She went on to reveal that her mother-in-law had taken their house keys previously, explaining how they managed to enter the house.


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“It’s no wonder I couldn’t find my house keys”

The woman’s husband confronted his mother, questioning her about where she had gotten the keys from. In response, the mother-in-law boldly admitted to taking them from her daughter-in-law without seeking permission.

“I have every right to take the keys or make decisions because if anything were to happen to me in the future, I’ll be living in this house too,” the mother in law added.

The woman concluded her confession by mentioning that her husband had reassured her that his mother would not be staying with them under any circumstances.

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Have you ever encountered something similar with your in-laws? Share your experiences with us in the comments below!


Also read: “You’re not fit to be with my son” – 26yo M’sian Woman Earns RM5.5k BUT Her BF’s Mum Thinks it’s Not Enough

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Source: 123RF
Source: 123RF

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