For many of us who have stayed all our lives in Malaysia, there are many things that we love and hate about our respective cities.
However, sometimes we like hearing about other people’s experiences when they come and live in our city for a while.
Mario Hau is a YouTuber from Hong Kong who came and lived for 2 months in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and recently, he shared his experience living in the city with his subscribers.
In his video titled, “Living in Kuala Lumpur for 2 months, what will Hong Kong people not get used to in Malaysia?”, he brought up several pros and cons of living here.

Mario said that the worst con of living in KL is probably the jam.
“The worst thing about KL is the jam, I’m sure many locals agree. When driving, there is almost always a traffic jam and if you order a ride, they will probably take 30 minutes to reach you.”
In his interaction with locals, they commented that they will always drive and not use public transport as there is a long waiting time.
Speaking as a pedestrian, he also said that the roads are hard to cross here as you will need to wait a couple of minutes to cross but the pedestrian lights are only green for about 30 seconds.

Moving on to the pros, Mario said that it was really easy to find good food in KL as we are a melting pot of culture. He noted that the food here is heavier in taste and saltier when compared to the food in Hong Kong.
Other than that, he adds that the way locals mix dialects and code switch here takes getting used to but after a week or 2, he got used to it and is really happy that Malaysians did not judge his accent.
It’s always very interesting to see how someone who grew up in another culture will find ours. Well, it certainly sounds like Mario had a good 2 months here in KL and we do definitely agree with his points!
Also read: S. Korean Girl Shares the Many Culture Shocks She Experienced in M’sia