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HK Man Hilariously Apologises After Hitting Parked Car with Couple ‘Romancing’ Inside


My Post 1 2024 07 04T170440.364
Source: 車CAM特警 | YouTube

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Imagine parking your car by the side of the road somewhere to spend some quality alone time with your girlfriend or boyfriend.

Now, what would completely ruin that romantic atmosphere? How about another car ramming into yours?

車CAM特警 took to their YouTube page to share dashcam footage of how a couple’s ‘romantic’ evening in their parked car was interrupted after another car had slammed into them from behind in Hong Kong. What makes this situation hilarious though, is how the driver that slammed into them got down from his car to apologise.

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In the video showcased, the couple could be seen having a conversation while romancing each other in their parked car.

Then, a black car turned the corner and accidentally slammed into the couple’s car, shocking them out of their romantic moment. The impact also caused the couple’s car to move forward and hit the car in front of them with the dashcam.

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Feeling bad for causing the accident, the driver in the wrong got down from his car and proceeded to apologise in a hilarious manner, putting his hands together and bowing, not knowing that he interrupted the couple’s alone time!


Netizens can’t stop laughing at the situation, especially the couple’s misfortune of being interrupted.

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“I don’t know why, but this is hilarious to watch.”

Slam 2

“After getting compensation, they’d have enough money to rent a room.”

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“The car crash is a small matter, but the shrinkage is a big deal.”


You can check out his video here

What would you have done if you were in the couple’s shoes? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.


Also read: “Just tell him off lah” – M’sians Condemn Motorcyclist for Kicking Cyclist Who Was Blocking the Road

My Post 1 2024 07 04T140742.595

Source: 車CAM特警
Source: 車CAM特警
Source: 車CAM特警
Source: YouTube
Source: YouTube
Source: YouTube

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