In his press conference today, Defence Minister, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri, announced the conditions for Malaysians to travel to and fro Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan.

Sabah is currently under the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) and every individual that wishes to enter Sabah with approval from PDRM through various transportation (air, water, land) will have to get swab-tested three days before their journey. Only individuals that tested negative and do not exhibit any symptoms will be allowed to enter the state and won’t be required to undergo quarantine.
For those leaving Sabah and wishes to enter Peninsular Malaysia, they are not required to undergo swab tests BUT those from Semenanjung and wishes to travel to Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan will have to get swab-tested three days before their journey.
Sarawak is currently under Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) and individuals entering Sarawak will have to get swab tested and quarantined for 14 days after they obtain approval from PDRM. For Sarawakians, the cost of swab testing and quarantine will be borne by the state government. For non-Sarawakians on the other hand, the cost of both will be borne by themselves.
Those leaving Sarawak and entering Peninsular Malaysia, will not be required to get swab tested. Individuals from Sarawak who wants to travel to Sabah and Labuan will have to get swab tested three days before their journey and only individuals that tested negative and do not exhibit any symptoms will be allowed to enter Sabah and Labuan and won’t be required to undergo quarantine.
Labuan is currently under RMCO and those wishing to visit will have to get swab-tested three days before their journey. Only individuals that tested negative and do not exhibit any symptoms will be allowed to enter the state and won’t be required to undergo quarantine.
For those leaving Labuan and wishes to enter Peninsular Malaysia, they are not required to undergo swab tests but those going from Labuan to Sarawak will have to be swab-tested three days before and undergo quarantine for 14 days. Those going from Labuan to Sabah will have to get swab tested three days before their journey and only individuals that tested negative and do not exhibit any symptoms will be allowed to enter Sabah and Labuan and won’t be required to undergo quarantine.
Let us know what you think about this!
Also read: Sarawak Govt Won’t Be Reducing Quarantine Period “Regardless Of Whether They’re Ministers”