National parks and other protected places are meant to serve as sanctuaries for flora and fauna, guarding them from those who might seek to profit from their exploitation.
Sadly, that does not always happen.
Anonymous threats in Taman Negara
Last Saturday, a group of unnamed 20 prominent figures visited and damaged an area within Taman Negara, a national park in Peninsular Malaysia.
They visited the campsite of a group of leisure anglers. A fisherman, who was part of the group of leisure anglers, told Sinar Harian that some individuals from the visiting group threw explosives at Jeram Perahu near Sepia River in the park.

“At first, we thought they were here to conduct a survey, but after chatting for a while, suddenly there was a loud explosion,” said the fisherman, who refused to be named.
“We thought a boat got damaged, but apparently the sound was coming from explosives thrown into the river by the group’s boatmen,” the man recalls.

“It seems that a few of the bombs were thrown into the river, and after being reprimanded, the group immediately left the scene.”
A few of the anglers also came across a few individuals fishing using nets at the top of the rapids, an activity prohibited in the national park.

Following the incident, a police report has been made so that the relevant parties can take appropriate action.
Netizens are angry
On Twitter, the story has caught the attention of netizens who are pissed at the news of this deliberate damage inflicted on our precious environmental assets.
They were angry that no action would probably be taken as ‘prominent figures’ probably refer to VIPs and Datuks. It is also unclear which government agency will investigate the issue and take the necessary action.

“So which agency must investigate and take action?”

Meanwhile, many netizens are also super curious about the identities of the group of 20 prominent figures.
“Who are (these VIPs and Datuks)? I want them exposed.”

“Name all the shameless figures.”

Fish bombing is illegal in Malaysia. It destroys the ecosystems of marine life and results in lower fishing yields in the long run.
Hopefully, appropriate action regarding this will be taken!
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