Growing up means that we all have a new set of issues that plague us. Depending on your circumstances, it may be monetary, familial or career-related among other things.
It’s completely okay to feel all these emotions but sometimes, it gets overbearing and you do not know how to function anymore as you are distressed.
Recently, after one of my emotional downturns, I managed to find a page named MENTARI that was part of the Ministry of Health where they allow an individual to conduct a self-test on depression, anxiety, stress, burnout and disability.
After completing the test there (whichever you might be feeling), you will be able to book an appointment at one of the MENTARI Consultation Clinics to get the help that you need.
As they have said, do note that the questionnaire is just a guide and human feelings are complicated, so it’s always best to consult the professionals to get a hold of what you’re feeling and how to manage them.
According to the FAQ, the first consultation will be free of charge but the subsequent follow-ups/appointments will cost RM5.
Other than the online system, you can also set up an appointment with them via phone call (check the list of numbers here).
Know that you are not alone in this and remember, there is no shame in seeking help.
Also read: Selangor Govt Is Subsidising Mental Health Screenings, Consultations & Treatments!