To all sushi and sashimi lovers out there, here’s something you might wanna take note of.
Recently, a long parasite worm was removed from an eight-year-old child after consuming sashimi that was contaminated with board tapeworm, according to The Weekly Observer.
This young girl from Taipei loves sashimi and she would order it whenever she visits a Japanese restaurant.

Source: Manusmenu
Earlier this year, the little girl felt itchy in her anus as she could feel something moving there. Worrying that she might have parasite worm in her body, she was sent to the hospital for examination.
After listening to one of the family members’ explanation, the pediatrician at the hospital, Wang Zhijian suspected that the girl most likely contracted a tapeworm known as Diphyllobothrium latum, when eating the infected raw fish.
True enough, the doctor removed a whopping 2.6 metre-long tapeworm from her anus in a surgical procedure. And it was still alive when the doctor removed it! The girl is currently recovering after she was given some medication post-surgery.

Source: Weekly Observer
Although the doctor revealed that this infection is generally non-lethal, in some extreme cases the tapeworm can cause intestinal blockage and internal bleeding, according to Sinchew.
In fact, many sashimi lovers may be infected as well, but usually aren’t aware of the tapeworm inside their body because the infection doesn’t always have symptoms. However, a small number of them may experience abdominal pain, diarrhea and indigestion.
I don’t know about you but I’m not giving up my sashimi man. Eat sashimi, deworm, repeat!
Also read: Doctors Shocked After Finding 150 Wriggling Worms In Lady’s Stomach