A DIY gift isn’t just a gift, it’s all about the time, effort, and love you put into it. It’s a fun way to express how...
“I want a responsible man. Who knows I might fall for someone else’s husband? But if I can avoid it, I will.” Malaysian actress, Nadia Brian...
Meeting the parents is a significant milestone in a relationship, offering insight into your future in-laws and further strengthening your bond. In a recent anonymous message...
Being the darker skinned member of a family can be a dehumanising experience for many, as other family members tend to compare your to your fairer...
Growing up means that you will have fewer friends but you know those who matter will stay with you in the long run. Recently, a Singaporean...
Having a crush triggers butterflies in your stomach every time you see them. Being in their presence fills you with joy and contentment. In a recent...
Does marriage mean that consent is no longer needed by either side when it comes to bedroom activities? Many might believe that this is true but...
Loyalty is key for a successful and happy marriage, allowing partners to rely on each other in need. But what happens when that trust is broken?...
Regret consumes your energy, especially if you’re dwelling on it years after what happened. A Malaysian man recently regretted his decision which he made 2 years...
Polygamy, or the practice of marrying multiple spouses can be a sensitive topic to talk about. This time, however, let’s talk about the regret of a...
Everyone has their own set of preferences when it comes to finding the right partner, and it’s totally okay. Some are looking for educated and stable...
Often times, after you get married, items that belong to you become something you share with your partner. But, from a woman’s perspective, does this mean...
The heart wants what it wants, but you can’t have what you want ALL the time, especially when something or someone belongs to others. A Malaysian...
As Valentine’s Day celebrations draw to a close, many people across the world are taking the time to reflect on what this romantic season truly meant...
Valentine’s Day has come and gone, but it’s not all roses and sunshine for every couple in Malaysia. While many were busy purchasing flowers and chocolates,...
There’s a saying that, to marry someone is to also marry their family. This is to ensure that someone who is getting married should be prepared...