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Cow Breaks Loose During Raya Haji in Kluang, Hits a M’sian Woman & Breaks Her Shoulder in the Chaos


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Source: TikTok | shuttttts

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The unique part about Eid al-Adha (Hari Raya Haji) is that it includes the tradition of slaughtering cows and goats, which is quite fascinating to see if you’ve never witnessed it before. Recently, a lot of cows have been seen on the loose during Eid al-Adha.

In a recent video circulating online, @shuttttts took to his TikTok to share an incident that occurred on the 2nd day of Eid al-Adha, where people gathered to witness cows being slaughtered as part of the tradition in Kluang.

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Cow on the loose!

In the video, locals in the area can be seen chasing after a cow that broke loose and made a run for it while they were preparing for the Eid al-Adha slaughter tradition.

Niqi shared how the cow managed to escape while they were preparing it for slaughter. It was during that moment that the cow broke free.

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A woman was sent to the hispital after getting hit by the cow

Niqi continued to reveal that it was a very chaotic morning for everyone involved, especially since the cow ended up charging at a random woman who happened to be at the exact place and time.

He explained that after the woman was hit, she was rushed to the hospital where doctors found her left shoulder broken and knee bruised.

“A lot of people wondered why the auntie didn’t try to dodge the cow as it charged towards her. It’s because she had just recovered from a stroke and couldn’t walk well, let alone run away from it,” he explained.

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They slaughtered the cow by the roadside

Niqi mentioned that they eventually managed to capture the cow, but they decided it was better to slaughter it at the area where they caught it rather than trying to take it back to the initial spot.

“They were able to capture the cow, but due to its aggression by that point, they had to slaughter it by the roadside instead of attempting to return it to the original location.”

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Concerned netizens started flooding the comment section to share their thoughts on the situation.

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“Is the auntie doing okay? Please share an update.”


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“Please share an update on what happened after the auntie got hit.”


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“I’m surprised to see how many cows are breaking loose this year’s Eid al-Adha.”


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“An experienced personnel needs to be present when handling this kind of activity. In our area, the people who handles the cow are usually experienced.”


You can watch the full videos down below:


Apalah makna hari raya korban tanpa lembu lari aiyoo “sapimu lari” 😅 #hariraya #rayakorban #harirayaiduladha #lembulari

♬ Funny video “Carmen Prelude” Arranging weakness(836530) – yo suzuki(akisai)


Replying to @Hafez “Part 2 Lembu lari. Satu taman turun nk tumbang lembu gangster ni 🤣 end up sembelih dkt situ jugak. Makcik g kene sondol dikejarkan ke hospital, bahu tangan kiri patah, lutut lebam 🤧 Yang tanya kenapa makcik tu tak elak, makcik tu baru baik strok so dia tak berapa larat nk jalan. Lagikan berlari bang nk elak lembu 😅#lembulari #harirayaiduladha

♬ KL Gangster – ᴰᵃⁿᶻ | Capcut

We’re relieved to hear that the woman is receiving immediate help and that no one else was hurt during the incident. We wish her a speedy recovery!



Also read: 2 Cows Attempted to Escape Getting Sacrificed by Running on LDP, Causes Accident Instead

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