What would you do if you stumble upon an animal in need?
While on his way to catch his flight at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), a Malaysian man stumbled upon a cat that was bleeding profusely. Knowing that he can’t just leave it like that, he took a picture and sent it to his wife, who then reached out to an animal rescue for further action.
The animal rescue, Wagging SOULS, took to their Facebook page to share the incident.

Here is the message they received, “Dear Wagging SOULS followers, my husband is taking a flight today, so just now, when he got there (KLIA), he saw a cat bleeding and he took a photo and sent it to me. He even informed the workers there but they didn’t seem to care much. Please, can anyone help this baby, please and thank you.”
The cat was found at Level 3, Terminal 1 of KLIA.
Soon after, Malaysia Airports stumbled upon the Facebook posting and took quick action to save the poor cat

“Alamak, pity the cat. Our operations team was surprised by a post on Facebook that featured a cat that suffered injuries and was found on the curbside of Terminal 1, KLIA.”
“As fast as lightning, our operations team rushed to the scene and together with them was one of our employees, Rahman, who was willing to take care of the cat and immediately took the injured animal to a nearby animal clinic. Thank you, Rahman! You are the best,” they shared.
It was also revealed, in the comment section of Wagging SOULS’s post that the cat has since also found a forever home.
“May the services of all parties who helped this cute cat get rewarded well for helping animals in distress,” Malaysia Airports added.
We’re so happy that this story has a happy ending and that the cat survived the ordeal.
Also read: Cats at Universiti Utara Malaysia Are Allegedly Being Poisoned by an Unknown Individual