After supplying the people in Selangor with water tankers earlier this month, Ustaz Ebit Lew is back at it again. Now, he’s sending aid to the fronliners in Sabah.

The kind Malaysian expressed his concerns with the situation that is going on in Sabah. He also said that he had received many messages asking for help.

“This morning, we sent medical equipment to Sabah. We sent medical items such as personal protective equipment (PPE) sets, face shields, masks and shoe covers to be used by hospital and clinic staff as well as frontliners,”
He said this in a Facebook post this morning. The post also grabbed the attention of many netizens thanking the kind ustaz for his generous deed. Currently, the post has gained about 90k likes and 6.3k shares on Facebook, as of the time of writing.

The news of him sending a cargo plane loaded with medical supplies to Sabah also reached Twitter. Many netizens praised Ustaz Ebit Lew for what he has done for the people during these troubled times, some even saying it is more than what others in power have done.
It is truly inspiring to see some people going above and beyond for the sake of others. Perhaps we should do the same because at the end of the day #KitaJagaKita.
Also read: Ustaz Ebit Lew Takes Charge And Buys Two Water Tank Trucks To Distribute Water In Batu Caves