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Indonesian Influencer Angrily Confronts Nanny for Severely Abusing Her 3yo Daughter


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Source: Aghnia Punjabi | Instagram

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Which parent wouldn’t be angered to find out that the person they’re paying to care for their child is, in turn, abusing them? An Indonesian influencer is now going viral after discovering that her nanny had beaten her 3-year-old toddler to a point of bumps and bruises.

The influencer, Aghnia Punjabi, took to her Instagram account to showcase how she and her husband confronted the nanny in her car and also the injuries to her child in separate postings.

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The abuse incident allegedly took place while Aghnia was out of town for 2 days and had left her child in the care of the nanny.

CCTV footage apparently showed the nanny, who works for a well-known agency, hitting, pinching and making other aggressive gestures towards the little girl while she was on her bed.

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One of Aghnia’s posts showcased the nanny being faced with her wrath while they were in her vehicle. Aghnia’s husband could also be heard shouting angrily at the nanny from behind the scenes.

Aghnia also shared images of her child’s horrific injuries, which includes a swollen black eye and bruises all over the poor girl’s face and ears.

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The case against the nanny is now being investigated by the Malang police in East Java.


You can check out her posts here (viewer discretion is advised).

What would you do if you were in Aghnia’s shoes? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.


Also read: Sabah Dad Beats Up Daycare Worker After She Was Caught Severely Abusing His 4yo Son

My Post 1 2023 08 11T153752.956

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