You would think that getting many As for your SPM examination will help your chances in getting into universities and colleges, right? Unfortunately, getting a not so good result for just 1 subject might ruin your chances despite the many As.
A Malaysian student is now learning that the hard way after getting 7 As for their SPM examination, though getting a D for English.
The student, @almondnadee, took to their TikTok account to remind other students of the importance of Bahasa Inggeris (English), so that they won’t have to endure university rejections like their own experience.

They wrote, “The influence of English is huge. To all the younger brothers and sisters out there, English is very important. Your results can be beautiful but if you don’t get a credit (in English), it’s still bad.”
In their post, they shared how they received 7 As, though got rejected from all the university programs they applied for because they received a D for English.

The student received As in Bahasa Malaysia, Mathematics, Science, Accounting and 3 Islamic Studies subjects. They also received a B+ in History and a C+ for Additional Mathematics. Though, because of their D for English, they did not qualify for any programs.
They then rechecked their SPM result for their English examination, which changed to a C+.

With the changed result, they were hopeful that they would be accepted into universities but to no avail. They were still rejected.

They are now waiting to reapply and appeal for certain programs after rechecking their results.
You can check out their post here.
What would you do if you were in the student’s shoes? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.
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