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25yo PDRM Officer Found Dead in Toilet at R&R Nilai


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Source: Utusan TV & Foursquare

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Trigger warning: This article mentions suicide.

A young PDRM officer was found dead inside the toilet at R&R Nilai in Negeri Sembilan on Thursday evening (June 13), reported Kosmo.

Nilai district chief of police, Superintendent Abdul Malik Hasim, said the police received reports from the public about the matter around 5:45 pm on Thursday.

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The deceased police officer was a 25-year-old married man who was on duty in KL. His corpse was found hanging on top of a barrier pole in the toilet, believed to have hung himself.

“The Forensic Division of the Negeri Sembilan Contingent Criminal Investigation Department assisted in the investigation at the scene, and found that there were no signs of injury on the body of the deceased except for a bruise on the neck due to hanging,” Abd Malik said.

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The case was classified as sudden death, and the victim’s body was sent to the Forensic Division of Hospital Tuanku Jaafar Seremban (HTJS) for a post-mortem. 


Also read: Worrying Statistics Reveal That Malaysia Has The 4th Highest Suicide Rate in Southeast Asia

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Source: Foursquare
Source: Utusan TV

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