We’re very fortunate to be living in a developing country with modern facilities but as we’re spoilt with these wonders, new problems arise and these are known as the notorious ‘first world problems’.
Before some of you guys go off saying “Malaysia is not First World status also”, do know that ‘first world problems’ is just a term and it is all too real.
We should not take these FWPs lightly as they are affecting every Malaysian out there. Here are some of the FWPs that the average Malaysian has to go through almost every day.
1. Radio ads, Radio ads everywhere
2. The struggle of asking for napkins in mamak
3. The Malaysian weather struggle is real
4. How am I going to eat my eggs in bliss now
5. Sabahan and Sarawakians don’t live in the jungle one ok!?
6. Why did I even bother?
7. Damn these small Perodua cars!
8. When the restaurants in Malaysia are kedekut
9. Working in Malaysia be like..
10. Ahh.. smell the great outdoors
11. I. Just. Can’t. Chooseee!
12. So potong lahh.
We might not be able to fix all these Malaysian First World Problems but we have the best solution for your video streaming needs – FREE UNLIMITED data in your mobile so you can watch videos all day err day without worries!
Say whuuuuttt??
Yes, all you video kakis can get FREE UNLIMITED data for your videos on platforms such as YouTube, Netflix, Facebook, Twitter, Crunchyroll, iFlix and 15 other channels, so you don’t have to deplete your internet quota.
That’s right! Video-Onz by U Mobile allows you to enjoy UNLIMITED streaming data 24/7 or get up to 7GB of extra data every month, depending on the type of U Mobile user you are.. Dah lah their plans already so affordable, now get extra internet data some more.
Sounds too good to be true leh? Well you better believe it!
All you need to be eligible for this phenomenal free service is by being a U Mobile user for any of their plan! If you’re not one yet, wait what lah?
Check out Video-Onz right here now. You definitely won’t regret it 😉
PS: Trust me, I’m a U Mobile user