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11yo M’sian Boy Suffers Nerve Damage & Declared OKU After Being Punished to Stand in the Sun by Teacher


My Post 1 2024 05 30T132917.984
Source: Harian Metro & Buletin TV3

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Over the weekend, it was reported that a Standard 5 student in Ampang was rushed to a hospital for heat stroke after his teacher had punished him by making him stand under the hot sun for over 2 hours (10am to 12:50pm on April 30). The student’s mother explained that her son was punished allegedly after he told his teacher that another student had beaten him.

Now, things have escalated beyond repair as the doctors have revealed that the 11-year-old boy is suffering permanent damage and have been declared to have become differently-abled (OKU).

Student 3 1

According to a report by Harian Metro, the student’s mother, 35-year-old AD Mogahana Selvi, said that the Ampang Hospital, where her son was admitted, has issued a referral letter for her son to be assessed as differently-abled due to the health problems he has to endure following his punishment by the teacher.

His health problems are apparently related to nerve damage believed to be caused by heat stroke.

“To be honest, I feel saddened when I see my child’s condition is no longer normal. He used to play with his siblings, but now he hides a lot and talks to himself,”

“The hospital also informed me that my child can no longer study in a normal school due to his health problems and asked me to send him to a special school after this.”


The student’s parents are now failing a civil suit against all parties involved in this case. 

Mogahana and her husband, 40-year-old B Suresh, want justice to be served for their son, and will be doing so through their lawyer, Dinesh Muthal.

Student 1

“This case puts pressure on the victim’s parents, especially Mogahana who is now 3 months pregnant, when they have to accept the fact that their child’s normal life has changed. Because of that, in addition to the civil lawsuit, we want the teacher involved to be accused in court and be punished accordingly (if convicted),” Dinesh shared.

Additionally, Malaysia-Singapore Workers Task Force (Pemas) chairman S. Dayalan said that investigations by the authorities and the actions taken by the school into this case have been unsatisfactory.

He also questioned the 3 warning letters issued by the school over their children’s absence from May 2 to May 23, following the heat stroke incident.

“But, during that period, the issue of the student being placed in the sun was not discussed with the child’s parents,” he added.


It is truly saddening to know that the boy is now facing permanent damage, especially considering he shouldn’t have been punished for reporting misbehaviour to his teacher.

Do stay tuned for more updates.


Also read: Off-Leash Dog Runs Up To & Bites 4yo Girl at Desa ParkCity, Owners Say “yeah, my dog doesn’t like kids”

My Post 1 2024 05 29T125254.661

Source: Buletin TV3
Source: Harian Metro

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