Large objects on the road can be quite a hazard to drivers as it can cause damage to their cars or even put them at risk of getting into an accident.
Most of the time, when drivers spot an obstruction on the road, they will most likely just avoid it and drive past it. But not this kind Malaysian!
On 1st December, a Facebook netizen posted a video where a metal grill is seen lying in the middle of the road near Restoran Jejantas in Sungai Buloh.

Source: Facebook
Dozens of cars are seen avoiding and zooming past it with some driving just inches away from the object.
However, a driver in a white Proton Saga noticed it being a obstruction and immediately pulled over to the side of the road.

Source: Facebook
A middle-aged man then gets out of the car and dangerously runs across the road and even uses ‘the hand’ to alert drivers to slow down.
He makes his away across three lanes as cars continue zooming past him, putting his life in potential danger.
He then picks up the metal grill that looks quite heavy, and waits for dozens of cars to pass before inching his way to the side of the road.
Some motorists were kind enough to slow down for him while others couldn’t seem to be bothered about helping the kind man.
The person recording the video can be heard saying, “Thank you brother, thank you so much.”
Here’s the full video:
Well, he didn’t have to do it but he certainly went to great lengths just to get that object off the road. Thank you for being a kind citizen, Abang!
Also read: Watch: Kind Motorcyclist Blocks Heavy Traffic So That Blind Man Can Cross The Road