Buying a car or a house usually means taking out a loan from the bank. After all, these are high-priced assets and most of us probably don’t have the money to pay off a RM90,000 car or RM700,000 house in one go. Unless you have as much money as Rihanna, in which case, why are you even still reading this?
Anyway, back to the point. If you don’t meet your monthly payments for either your car or your house, one thing happens: the bank will repossess the items, as they technically belong to the bank. You borrow their money ma, so now you cannot pay back, they will have to tarik balik whatever you bought with that borrowed money la.
But for one man, he wasn’t willing to give up his car so easily, not without putting up a fight. And that dramatic scene has been captured on video and has since been circulating social media like wildfire.
The incredibly dramatic occurrence was said to have taken place in Johor, and unfolded when a group of men, believed to be repo-men (people hired to tarik balik stuff you can’t afford to pay for) working for a bank, began arguing with the owner of a Toyota Hilux.

It is believed that the owner of the car had not made the necessary payments on his car loan and as such, his bank had decided that it was time to take the car back. But boy oh boy, things did not go smoothly, because the vocal argument soon turned into a fight as the group of men tried to drive away in the Toyota, with the owner pulling them out from the driver’s seat!

After one of the repo-men managed to get into the driver’s seat and close the door, his colleagues then tried to keep the owner of the car away from it, dragging him off from the handles. However, the owner was persistent.

As the car was being driven away, the owner proceeded to climb on board the car’s roof and cling on to it!

The video has since caught the attention of netizens across Malaysia, with many saying that if the bank staff had indeed been trying to repossess the man’s car, they shouldn’t have done it in such a violent manner.
What do you guys think?
Also read: People Are Now Breaking Into Locked Cars To Steal Boxes of FACE MASKS Amid Supply Shortage